Writing website content across multiple documents is a problem

If you take one thing away from our time together on this blog, please let it be this: write your website content in one document. This advice is relevant for those designing a website for themselves and those working with a web designer. 

This might sound simple, yet almost everyone does the exact opposite. This blog explains why writing your website content in one document is crucial.

In my early years in business as a new web designer, I used to receive website copy content from clients in a disorganised manner:

  • Across multiple emails
  • In several MS Word documents
  • Via text messages
  • Over Facebook Messenger
  • Sometimes, not at all (literally, zero content)

This chaotic method of content delivery is more common than you might think. Many web designers share similar stories of frustration. I've even heard of designers receiving website content "scribbled on a scrap piece of paper and posted through their letterbox." Shocking, right?

While some web designers have found ways to manage this, especially those collaborating with me, many still struggle. The trouble is, when clients aren’t given clear instructions and boundaries, they don’t realise they are doing something wrong. It’s not the client's fault, but they do suffer.

Sets clear expectations

It's crucial for web designers to set expectations early in the relationship, ideally before any money changes hands. By doing so, the project runs smoothly. Solving the website content headache by writing in one document is vital for a successful outcome for both parties. This approach speeds up content collection and ensures everyone feels relaxed about the process instead of stressed and confused.

A happy web designer equals a happy client and vice versa. Win-wins are always the best outcome for doing business.

Boosts the quality of your content

Writing a copy directly into your website (if you’re building it yourself) or spreading it across various documents negatively impacts the overall success of your website. Here are four reasons why:

1. Cohesiveness

Your website is a living, breathing organism. Each page must connect with the others, weaving your message through a web of internal links. This is why I refuse to write isolated pages from a more extensive website. Without cohesiveness, the tone will be inconsistent, and the pages disjointed. Writing in one document helps build cohesive website copy.

2. Conciseness and Completeness

You need to keep your website content concise while covering your entire message. Proper planning is essential, and this can only be achieved by writing the entire website copy in one document. This ensures you cover the right information without waffling or missing important bits.

3. Focus on Content, Not Design

Writing content directly inside your website-building platform distracts you with colours, fonts, and other design elements. This applies to both web designers and DIYers. To build empathy and understanding—core values at Gibson Copy—you must focus solely on writing, undistracted by design elements.

4. Proper Organisation

Start by listing your pages at the top of your document. This simple step is crucial to avoid random, disjointed pages and disorganised content. Proper organisation ensures all headings, subheadings, and sections are correctly positioned and nothing is missing.


Writing your website content in one document is a simple yet powerful strategy. It ensures cohesiveness, maintains conciseness, eliminates design distractions, and promotes proper organisation, significantly enhancing your site's quality and effectiveness.

Whether you're a business owner creating your own website or working with a web designer, adopting this method will streamline the process, reduce stress, and lead to a more polished final product. Don't underestimate the power of this unified approach - it could be the key factor that elevates your website from good to great.

What’s next?

Ready to transform your website copy into a powerful marketing asset? Drop Gibson Copy a message today, and let us help you create compelling content that boosts sales and conversions.

Dr Hannah Gibson
Founder of Gibson Copy

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What does a website content writer do?

A website content writer is a professional who specialises in creating content for websites. Each website targets a specific audience and needs the most relevant content to attract and retain business.

What skills are required for website content writing?

Effective communication skills, excellent grammar and punctuation, and strong research abilities are essential in website content writing. Creativity, originality, adaptability to different tones and styles, and an understanding of on-page SEO principles further enhance a writer's effectiveness. Additionally, storytelling skills and attention to detail are crucial for producing high-quality content.

How much content do you need to start a website?

Ideally, your website should include a landing page for each specific product or service you offer, along with supporting blog posts and FAQs to address potential customer inquiries. The most effective websites feature thousands of pages. Having just 20 pages won't suffice.

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The average website maintenance cost ranges from £300 to £45,000 per year. Common maintenance expenses include domain SSL certificates and software or web hosting renewals. Additional costs may involve purchasing extensions or investing in a major website redesign.