Best practices for collecting high-quality testimonials

A staggering 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family. Yet, businesses struggle to take advantage of this. Many often settle for uninspiring testimonials that fail to showcase their actual value.

The truth is, even satisfied customers may find it challenging to articulate why your service was exceptional. But what if you could consistently gather compelling testimonials that truly reflect the quality of your work and drive business growth?

The good news is, you can. It's not just about doing great work - though that's certainly the foundation. The secret lies in a deliberate, strategic approach to asking for customer testimonials that resonate with potential clients. In this expert guide, we'll explore proven strategies for gathering amazing testimonials to boost your business.

Before asking for testimonials, ensure your offering consistently delivers the desired outcomes for your clients. Engaging in meaningful conversations with clients about their challenges and successes helps you tailor your approach to meet their needs better.

8 expert strategies WE USE to get brilliant customer testimonials

1. Use prompting questions 

To help clients provide detailed and valuable testimonials, offer them specific questions to answer. Here are essential questions you can select from:

  • What was your biggest challenge/problem before you purchased our product/service? How did that challenge/problem make you feel?
  • What was your main concern that would have prevented you from buying this, and what put your fears to rest?
  • What made you choose our product/service over the competitors?
  • What exactly did you like most about our product/service?
  • What are three benefits you've experienced as a result of purchasing our product/service?
  • What results do you get/have you gained from our product/service?
  • What was life like before you started with our product/service?
  • What is life like now that you've experienced our product/service?
  • What surprised you the most or made you the happiest about purchasing our product/service?
  • Why would you recommend this to someone who might be on the fence?
  • What makes our products stand out from those of our competitors?
  • Would you recommend our business to friends or family? If yes, why? And what would you say to encourage them?
  • Would you do business with us in the future? Why or why not?
  • Is there anything else you would like to add?
  • Do you grant permission for us to feature your company and this testimonial in our marketing materials?

2. Send customised testimonial requests

Reach out to clients via email with personalised requests for testimonials. Timing is essential; send the request while the experience is still fresh in their minds. Automate this process to follow up after significant milestones or project completions.

3. Embed testimonial request forms on your website

Place customer testimonial request forms in strategic locations on your website, such as the checkout page or sidebar. Keep the forms simple and direct, and combine them with surveys to capture detailed feedback from satisfied customers.

4. Conduct in-person requests

If you have regular interactions with clients, ask for testimonials during meetings or project completions. Use the opportunity to ask specific questions about their experience and provide examples of how other clients have written their testimonials.

5. Use online and social media reviews

Monitor social media and third-party review sites for mentions of your brand. Use tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social to track these mentions. Reach out to customers to obtain permission to use their positive comments as testimonials on your site.

6. Use quotes from client feedback

If a client emails or texts you their feedback, use these positive remarks as testimonials, but always ask for their approval first. This type of testimonial is powerful, as it shows genuine appreciation from your clients.

7. Write testimonials on behalf of clients

Draft testimonials based on the feedback provided in surveys or conversations, and send them to clients for approval. This helps create well-structured, impactful client testimonials that accurately reflect the client's experience and satisfaction.

8. Take advantage of swapped testimonials

If your clients are other businesses, propose swapping testimonials. This mutual exchange can be beneficial, as both parties understand the importance of endorsements. Write a testimonial for them first, encouraging them to reciprocate.


As you implement these techniques, you'll notice a shift. Your client testimonials will evolve from generic compliments to compelling endorsements that speak directly to your target audience's needs and aspirations

So, take action today. Start implementing these strategies, and watch as your customer testimonials transform into your most powerful marketing asset. Your future clients are out there, waiting to hear the success stories that will inspire them to choose you. It's time to let your satisfied customers become your most persuasive advocates.

What’s next?

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People Also Ask

What is a testimonial?

A testimonial is a statement from a satisfied customer that highlights their positive experience with a product or service. It serves as a powerful endorsement, providing social proof and helping to build trust with potential customers. By sharing real-life success stories, client testimonials can significantly influence buying decisions and enhance a brand's reputation.

What three things should testimonials always be?

Three crucial components make a testimonial truly effective. Lacking any of these can deter potential clients. Your testimonial must be credible, up-to-date, and compelling.

Do testimonials need to be in quotes?

Include quotes in your customer testimonials – When clients see testimonials in quotation marks, they are more likely to trust them. They'll believe the testimonials are shared exactly as received, without any alterations.

How many sentences should a testimonial be?

For written client testimonials, such as those on a website homepage or marketing flyers, it's ideal to use a concise two-sentence statement or a brief one-paragraph review that's easy to skim. For video testimonials, four minutes is ample time for someone to provide a thorough review.

Do testimonials have to be real?

Testimonials must come from genuine customers and should never be fabricated. Use endorsements only from people who have truly used your product or service. Fake customer testimonials constitute false advertising and can lead to civil and criminal penalties.

Where should testimonials go?

Given that client testimonials are crucial for building visitor trust, placing them prominently near the top of pages will grab attention as viewers arrive. They can be featured in nearly any part of your website, including near the header or navigation menu.